
Static tutorials can be found below.

My poster, figures, code, and data can be found below:

This project is maintained by justincely

Welcome to the online version of Advanced Time-domain Calibrations and Data-reduction Techniques with HST/COS.

This page is here to provide more in-depth information than could be presented in the regular poster. To that effect, tutorials have been prepared to walk through actual calibrations using the described tools and real data.

iPython Notebooks

The tutorials are written in Python using the iPython notebook. This provides a simple web-based interface to write, execute, and share Python code, along with the ability to include notes written in Markdown.

Running the tutorials may require the installation of a few non-standard python packages. A simple way to get the majority of these packages is with the STScI Ureka installer. The lightcurve tutorial requires one additional package, the installation instructions of which are detailed in the intro of the tutorial. Additional information can be found on the lightcurve package webpage.

To open an iPython Notebook, simply start the notebook server after downloading (or cloning) this repository:

$ cd AAS224
$ ipython notebook

For more information and installation instructions, visit http://ipython.org/notebook.html

Github Repository

The poster, all figures, data, code, tutorials, and this very website are available in a git version control repository. You may download or visit this repository via the links on the left panel.

Alternatively, if you are git-savvy, you may also clone the repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/justincely/AAS224.git

Support or Contact

Having trouble or have questions? Contact Justin Ely at ely@stsci.edu or the COS helpdesk at help@stsci.edu .